Sometimes we hesitate to move forward with our business because we're afraid that we just don't have enough experience or skills to implement our ideas.
Have you ever found yourself thinking I don't have enough experience to...
* Launch a website
* Send out a press release
* Set-up a joint-venture partnership
* Speak at a networking meeting
We all have doubts about our lack of experience running a business or expanding in some way. And while experience is important resourcefulness has a BIGGER impact on your long-term success. If you know WHAT needs to be done, you can get help on HOW to get it done.
Let me share how I discovered this to be true...
My career began doing product development and merchandising for the Gap, Banana Republic and J. Crew. About 13 years ago, while in-between jobs, an old boss and mentor asked me to take on a project that was completely outside the scope of my expertise.
He wanted me to open and run high profile stores around the country. It meant negotiating real estate deals, signing leases, overseeing the design of the space from fitting rooms to bathroom locations, to which computer systems we'd use, to actually purchasing the product. The scope was huge, overly awesome, nothing that I'd ever done before and crazily enough I was the only person he wanted for the job.
Why I wondered? What did he see in me that he had such trust I could do this?
For a month or so I felt like a deer in the headlights as I kept encountering new things that I was responsible for that I knew nothing about. I had notebooks upon notebooks with questions that I needed to get answered about all the parts of running these stores. Then, about two months into my job, a light bulb went off for me.
Knowing the "WHAT" is More Important Than the "HOW"
I understood why he chose me. I clearly saw what my gift was and why I was the right one for this job. I am very strong at knowing and figuring out WHAT needs to get done. I may not know HOW it's going to happen and how to do it (and in this case I clearly didn't) but I am resourceful and can connect with others who do have the expertise I may be lacking to get the job done.
This skill has served me well as an entrepreneur. Because there's nothing that truly prepares you-or gives you all the experience you need -to be an entrepreneur. You have to be willing to jump into unchartered waters, and trust that other experts can fill in your gaps. Especially as women, it takes a village and we should relish the fact that we can reach out for support.
Get a Support Network Behind You
As an entrepreneur it's so important to have a network of people you can turn to when you have questions. By getting other people involved in our business success, we'll not only get answers to our questions, we'll be inspired by their ideas.
You truly empower yourself when you involve people that will both cheer you on and provide valuable knowledge - people who can show you the "how".
What if you don't feel like you have enough people in your life that can give you the support you need? This is a big issue for mom entrepreneurs because we're home alone and it's difficult to find the business support we're looking for. I believe there's no need to go it alone, mom entrepreneurs are very generous in their support. Here's an example of example of this kind of generous support I see quite often.
Open Up and Share
I recently had a someone in my community approach me on the side and said, "Kim, I'm really struggling. I have a full-time business and a direct sales business that is just not where I want it to be. Times are tough economically, and it's just not working as I want it to be."
In this process, the woman opened herself up in a very vulnerable way to me. Because I understood her situation, I was able to connect her with some women I thought could support her. One of these women got her to think about something professionally she hadn't even considered.
This new idea allowed me to say, "Aha. I can make another connection for you." Together we were creating a spider web of connections for her. It was such a glorious experience to watch and to realize she had tapped into a handful of other people who could provide great support for her. That was thrilling.
This story really emphasizes the importance of opening up to others to find the right answers to your questions. You might feel vulnerable admitting that you don't know the answer but what better way is there to get support?
For myself, by asking good questions and finding the right people to support me and help me find the answers, I've been able to move my business forward. Don't underestimate your ability to get your business moving forward. With the right support, you can be empowered to be truly successful on your own terms.
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