Saturday, February 28, 2009

Success - Do You Really Want It? (Or Are You Just Kidding Yourself?)

"Do you really want success, or are you just kidding yourself?"

This is the bold question that faced me when I recently reviewed a popular success product*.

It's a good question. Why is it we always want success and good things to come easily? Why do we think there is some magic formula or pill that will allow us to skip the 'hard work and focus' stage and go right into the 'wildly successful' stage - to enjoy the fruits of our labor without the labor?

There is no 'magic' pill or formula, and I have come to see that there are certain ways of acting, thinking and just being that cause a person to be successful.


The good news is, you don't have to be 'born with it'. There's actually no such thing! If there was, then anyone born into money and opportunity would be successful, and we all know of wealthy kids who are anything but happy and successful.

So, what does it take? Along with the following tips I can offer, the next step would be to check out the product (see resource box below) and decide for yourself.

  • Mindset: Can you say unequivocally that you have the mindset for success? If you can, then you are well on your way. If you are wondering what this means, it's about qualities like perseverance, persistence, open-mindedness, opportunity-seeking, fair and ethical behavior, ambition and drive, focusd and dedication.
  • Action-Orientation: People who succeed know what they want. They make firm decisions based on intelligent research and knowing their own limits and capacities. Then they ACT - consistently and with drive and passion. Until the job is done. Period.
  • Learning: Despite all that has been said above, people on track for success are life-long learners. They realize they can't possibly know everything there is to know. They are constantly looking for ways to refine their way of doing things, and rather than resenting someone who has what they have yet to acquire, they choose to learn. They look at someone else's accomplishment as encouragement in what they can do themselves, and they look to see what they can gain from studying the success of others.

To learn more and accelerate your success in whatever areas you have chosen, be sure and take advantage of the resources and tools mentioned in the resource box, and remember, a wise man once said 'good luck' is when preparedness meets opportunity!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Stefan, lorita Bolts please read.
    It all begin with a idea, that came from my son biting on the neck of his T-shirts, I asked why are you eating away all of your shirts, come to find out it was because he was to lazy to come inside to get water, so he decided to soak the neck of his Shirts to keep his mouth most, one day while on my treadmill I forgot my water bottle, I then said i should use my towel to moisture my mouth, as my son did, couldn't do that not clean. I thought if I had something around my waist that kept me cool at the same time hands free, with a straw that would be great, this is how I came up with the idea, I then gave up my home to invest into this project, leaving California for a few weeks to visit my cousins in Texas,there I stayed with my cousin, for a couple of months, helping her recover from her health, when I returned to California, I asked my father if I could stay with him for some time, before leaving my home I was Laid off , worked for the Aircraft Industry for over twenty years. I stayed with my Father until I found a job, then shortly moved into a one bedroom apartment with my three children. I have been working on this project for some time now. The perseverance,sacrifice, suffering that myself and children have encountered, has made use strong,knowledgeable and also no that GOD is with use. Every time I would see the news about our Troops, it would make me press harder. Today I have the finished prototypes, ready to go into production, I have ran out of money and Laid off again in January. The money from my 401k and saving from stock Market, I have withdrawn to continue, now I'm at a stand still. I had a meeting with SCORE on 3/17/09, on how to write a Business plan. I asked if the Banks would consider funding my project, with the support from SBA backing me, now that I'm LAID OFF? the response was, It would be very hard. So now I have to seek for Investors, I do no that the DOD, Department of Defense, the Border patrol, Emergency Rescue aid in schools, Sports, Marathon runners, Bikers and many more would enjoy the Beverage Container Belt, a new way to stay cool, also it's FDA approved meaning the liquids will not harm you, the outer covers are sold separately, Its a GO GREEN project, no littering, it keep the body cool until the liquids have been completed, it's worn around waist, it won't weigh down your back, considering it has liquids to thirst you, not harm you body in any way. Please view:
